Get Involved | With the Charleston Land Trust

You Can Help!

Everyone’s gift, whether it is cash, land or time, makes a difference in helping achieve the best use of our Charleston properties. Land conservation takes experience, passion, creativity and dedication. The Charleston Land Trust has proven to be a trusted organization with the ability to get results and success. With your help so much more can be done!

How To Donate

Talk Conservation

Tell a friend, neighbor, or local official about the importance of protecting land in your community. We are happy to give presentations to schools, community groups, government agencies, and others interested in protecting Charleston's unique places.


Do you have property you are interested in donating? Find more information here


Protect Our Places

The Charleston Land Trust's main mission, which is to protect Charleston’s unique places forever, resonates in everything we do! Together, we can develop a plan that protects YOUR property, maintains YOUR wishes and fulfills YOUR needs. Several Charlestonians have made the decision to preserve their beloved property for future generations, will YOU?


The Charleston Land Trust always needs caring citizens to volunteer. Whether you have a group big or small or you just want to personally get involved, we can find a project for you to complete and make a difference with our land conservation efforts. Volunteer projects range from adopting properties in your area, planting trees to special events and serving as a board/committee member.

Send Us Your Photos!

We want to see pics of everyone out enjoying The Land. We would love to post your pictures when we get them! Email us at!


Check this out!

From the Charleston Daily Mail: Council approves consulting firm for Bicycle Trail Master Plan... Click Here
